Monday, July 23, 2012

Introducing Miss Emmalyn Brinley Womack Beeson...

Our favorite little girl (our niece!) finally made her appearance!  It has taken me almost two weeks to blog about it though because I have too busy snuggling with her!  She is amazing--she has everyone wrapped around all her little fingers...  She was born on Saturday July 7th, (MY HALF-BIRTHDAY!!) at 6:25 pm here in Wichita at Via Christi.  Everything went fairly well considering the task at hand (popping out a baby!--Shayna was a rock star!!)  Miss Emmalyn did give her parents a little bit of attitude when she first arrived as she aspirated some meconium and the NICU staff had to assist her in breathing for a few minutes, but she responded very well and has been perfect ever since!( She had a little bout of jaundice but did not have to do anything other than enjoy some sun for a few minutes a couple of times--not a problem anymore!)  So with that I will get right to the main point here and post pictures of her...check them out below!  She also has her first (of many I'm sure) photo session later this week so stay tuned for those--Auntie Jenny is probably more excited than Tom and Shayna if that's possible!

Okay Okay--I know this isn't of her yet but this is the start! We were in the waiting room and just got the good news that she was here--SO EXCITED! :) We are officially Aunt and Uncle!

                                                       The happy parents and baby girl!! 

                                                My first time holding sweet!

                          Cam's first time holding her...she was starting to get hungry!
                                                         Trying to make the same face!
                                                                 Sleeping Beauty...
                                                                     Hello Baby Blues!

                                                Cam is just a little happy to hold his EBB...  :)

                                         I don't care who you are--baby hands are precious!

  Holding hands with her Uncle Cam!  Between her Daddy and Uncle Cam the boys just better watch out!

                                                                Well hello Baby Girl! 

                        Also super precious--baby feet!  This is when she was only a few days old...

So this will be the first post of many that will include pictures of our new favorite girl--I'm sure you all won't mind though!  Hope you all enjoyed the pictures--we think she is pretty awesome!  Hope you all have a great night!